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This is our WHY


The following statistics are compiled from Barna Research and various other research organizations in the U.S.


pastors leave the ministry every month.


of pastors will not be in ministry in 10 years.


of pastors contemplate leaving the ministry every Monday morning.


of pastors would leave their position for a similar paying position.


of pastors feel unable to meet the needs of the job.


believe that pastoral ministry (as they know it) has affected their family negatively.


of pastors will have an extramarital affair during their ministry career.


say they have lower self-esteem than when they started in ministry.


say they do not have the gift of leadership.

We Hear From Pastors & Leaders Frequently...

The following are those most frequently laments heard by the Institute from pastors all around the world.


“I’ve read all the books & listened to all the tapes vs: slogans saying laws theory hype… can you please just show me how to do it?”


“I’m frustrated, overwhelmed. I’m weary.”


“It seems like an endless cycle of busywork.”


“We seem to move forward & then…. it seems like chaos is the rule.”


“If I could just see my heart in them.”


"Where do I go from here?”


The following data is derived from Institute research & on-going coaching, counsel, and vision facilitation & strategic planning with pastors and CEOs.

Fact I

Most leaders are operating out of position, with an unprotected anointing, underachieving the vision, with a lack of intimacy with God & family, and no clarity on how to leave a legacy.

Fact II

Most leaders have so much needless chaos in their lives that they are distracted. As a result, they unable to face the facts, even avoiding them at great cost. Major opportunities are missed, and major mistakes made.

Fact III

Most do not lead. Most do not properly disciple, coach, teach, train and mentor those God has entrusted to them.

Fact IV

Most pastors retain less than 15% of those people God sends to their church, thereby losing God’s provision of sufficient leaders & financial resources to achieve His mandates. 

“What could I have done for God if I had this training twenty years ago?”

This was a quote said during a Maximum CEO training workshop, from a U.S. inner city pastor in his mid-sixties with tears in his eyes. This is what keeps the Institute’s burden for pastors alive.

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